
Lesson: Sentence Correction Challenging - 18

Word Usage

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Some pairs of words, like fewer and less, are often used incorrectly because they're treated as synonyms. In fact, there is a solid rule that determines which one you should use, and the exam will test your ability to decide which is the correct option. The exam tests four such word pairs with particular frequency, so memorize the rules pertaining to them if you don't know them already.

1. Fewer/Less
Which of the two following sentences is correct?

  1. The company fired no less than fifty employees.
  2. The company fired no fewer than fifty employees.

The second sentence is correct. Why? Because you use less when you're talking about things you can't count (less pollution, less violence) but fewer when you're talking about things you can count (fewer pollutants, fewer violent acts).

2. Number/Amount
These words follow the same rule as less and fewer. Number is correct when you can count the thing being described (a number of cars, a number of people) and amount is correct when you cannot (amount of love, amount of pain).

3. Among/Between
Use between when only two options are available (between the red car and the blue car) and among when more than two options are available (among the five answer choices, among the many books).

4. If/Whether
Whether is correct when you're discussing two options (whether to get chocolate or strawberry ice cream) and if is correct for more than two options (if she should get ice cream, frozen yogurt, or a cookie).

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