
NTU National Textile University

Faisalabad - Punjab     Pakistan
HEC Rank
Not Available
Specialized Field
Institution Level
Gender Specification

About NTU

NTU is a premier institution in the field of Textile. It largely fill the growing needs of professionals in the textile industry. At the moment, NYT offers almost all required degrees by the industry. A large number of professional who are qualified from NTU are working in fields not only in Pakistan but also abroad.

Admission Criteria

NTU admission criteria includes marks in academics and the score in entrance test by NTS (NAT). For detailed information about the test select the degree program.

Download Past Papers

NTU - National Textile University

offers many degrees. To download National Textile University past papers select the degree first.

Test Pattern and Online Tests for NTU

Both interactive and on page tests (MCQs) for National Textile University are available online. you can practice a large number of question for each section of NTU test.

For taking online test (MCQs) and for downloading the past papers, select the degree.

Course Assesment

Key skills will be developed and assessed at appropriate stages during each part of the course.
The aims of the course assessment are as follows:
1. To maximize the learning and skills development of the students;
2. To demonstrate that sufficient depth and breadth of learning have taken place;
3. To allow subject specific and core skills enhancement to occur during the assessment process;
4. To be progressive, building confidence through the assignment materials, and providing appropriate feedback at regular intervals; and
5. To ensure that the research projects have been satisfactorily completed.

Faculties and Departments of NTU

Faculty of Engineering & Technology have following departments

  • Yarn Manufacturing
  • Fabric Manufacturing
  • Garment Manufacturing
  • Polymer Engineering
  • Textile Processing
  • Materials and Testing

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Following are the departments:
  • Textile & Apparel Design
  • Humanities

Faculty of Sciences

Following are the department in the faculty:
  • Applied Sciences
  • Computer Science

Faculty of Management Sciences
