
LCAT - LUMS Common Admission Test

The LUMS Common Admission Test (LCAT) is mandatory for all applicants (except applicants residing abroad) applying to the Suleman Dawood School of Business (SDSB) or the School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law (SHSSL).
LCAT comprises mainly of Quantitative, Verbal, and writing sections. The test does not include what you have studies in high school or in college. It is based on general topics generally you studied up to grade 10. You must revise general concepts and ideas. LCAT presents a complex question based on these ideas. Most of the applicant prepare the test with great dedication and spare a lot of time. For more information about LUMS departments and Admission LUMS Admissions

Video Lessons and Fully explained Test Prep

Large number of solved practice MCQ with explanations. Video Lessons and 10 Fully explained Grand/Full Tests.


You must schedule to take LCAT early. Its preparation takes time and effort. Competition for LCAT is very high. You must manage your preparation plan accordingly.
LCAT will be conducted simultaneously in designated cities in Pakistan.

The application is considered complete when all of the requisite information and documents are on file including the test results. Your application would be considered completed if it is complete before the deadline.

LCAT Registration and Fee

Candidates can get registered online. They have to complete and submit the registration form. For online registration form LCAT Online Registration
After online registration applicants will be required to send the following documents to LUMS Admissions Office:
  • Two passport size Photographs
  • Two photocopies of the National Identity Card or Valid Passport
  • Bank Draft of Rs. 3000/- drawn in favor of LUMS or On-line payment status or a photocopy of bank receipt
After the successful submission of on line test registration form, Test Registration Cards and instructions will be posted to the applicant's secure online application account, and an email message will alert applicants that the test Registration card has been posted.
Test Registration Cards will be posted on applicant’s online account 5 - 7 days earlier than the test date.
Applicants are required to download and print their Test Registration card. Candidates without a Test Registration Card and original NIC will NOT be allowed to take the test.
The exact locations, test timings, and other information will be communicated to applicants through the Test Registration Card and LUMS website i.e. www.lums.edu.pk.

Mode of Payment

  • On-line payment facility, available at LUMS web-site http://pay.lums.edu.pk/default.asp
  • By submitting a bank draft from any bank in favor of Lahore University of Management Sciences
  • Cash deposited at Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB) Booth at LUMS or branch located at T-Block, D.H.A, Lahore

LCAT Guidelines

  • Registration fee should be submitted to the designated branch MCB Bank or through online payment before respective LCAT deadlines.
  • Admissions office will not accept any bank receipt dated after the given deadlines.
  • Please note that candidates who for some reason cannot get registered by the given deadlines should report at the test centre at 8 am for walk in registration.
  • Walk-in requests will only be entertained on space available basis.


Applicants taking LCAT Test will pay a total of Rs. 1500/- as Test Registration Fee in addition to the application processing fee of Rs. 4000/-.

Change in LCAT Registration

You cannot change the schedule for LCAT once you register for LCAT. However; if you do not take the test, you can register again for next test. you can take as many tests you want. LUMS just considers the best score. No minimum score is required in LCAT. Admission decision is based on many factors. LCAT score is one of them. However; a score of 2000 is competitive enough for an applicant.

At the Center

You must reach the center half an hour earlier than the reporting time (8:30 AM). To be admitted to the Test centre, you must bring your test registration card and any one of the following:
  • 1. Government issued National Identity Card
  • 2. A valid Passport
Both should have the candidate’s photo, thus making the identification process easier.
  • The test will be conducted only on the scheduled day and time.
  • You will be provided with all the stationary that’s required for the test therefore do not bring any with you.
  • Be on time as no examine will be admitted to the centre after the test materials have been distributed.
  • Items like scratch papers, all sorts of calculators including watch calculators, books, pamphlets, slide rules, protractors, compasses, rulers, highlighter pens, stereos, or radios with headphones, Mp3 players and iPods, USBs, watch alarms also the ones with flashing lights or alarm sounds, electronic dictionaries, key boards etc. are not allowed.
  • Eating, drinking, smoking or chewing tobacco is prohibited during the administration of the test.
  • You can only leave the centre during the test if the supervisor permits you to. However, you will not get any make up time.
  • You may wish to time yourself with your own watch, but the supervisor will be the official timekeeper of the test.
  • During the time allowed for each section of the test, you are allowed to work only on the particular section. After the supervisor announces, “Please stop writing and put your pencils down”, you should stop writing.
  • You may use the test book to work out your answers but you must mark all your answers on the separate answer sheet, which is given to you, before the time is called.
  • Answers to multiple-choice questions recorded in the test book will not be considered. Only the answers marked on the answer sheet will be graded.
  • Visitors will not be allowed in the test centre while the test is in progress.
  • Failure to comply with the supervisor’s directions will result in your test being cancelled.
Meet Your Target

Best Preparation

You’ve probably heard the quote (originally credited to Alexander Graham Bell): Preparation is the key to success. When it comes to test taking, these are words to live by.

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