There are a lot of high ranked universities in USA that offer postgraduate degree programs. They provide distinctive facilities to the international students.
USA education is at top of the list. Students from all over the world aspires to go USA for higher studies. But the task is some what challenging. Not every applicant can have entry in USA for education. The reason may be cost of the study, eligibility criteria for admission, and difficult visa process which is based on your nation's diplomatic relation with USA.
You must not be disappointed as thousands of students go to USA for higher studies. If you follow the pattern given here in this website, you can increase your chances to have USA degree. The process is time taking. If you start today, Normally it will take about one and half year to be in USA.
There are two semesters in USA universities along with some strict time lines that need to be followed to be able to apply in time. Ideally the process begins about one year and 6 months before the start of the targeted semester.
When to Apply
For example, for students targeting Fall-2025 semester should ideally begin the process by March-April '2024. Starting early can spend enough time on each application and prepare the documents asked by each University. In case you are applying for a financial aid, it is very much advisable to send your applications early. Many Universities have a early deadline for students who are applying for financial aid.
Application Time Line
The grading of the universities is based on their requirements for the admission. You must select a universities based on your grades in GRE as well as in previous academics. Click the grade and view the universities in this grade.