
ISSB Group Planning Advice


The illustration provides a brief narrative, followed by a sketch map. Thereafter, a suggested solution is given as a guide to the candidates. After reading the narrative, study the sketch map carefully and grasp the essentials of the situation. Before reading the suggested solution. try to discern the problem yourself. Several exercises arc added to the chapter. Each narrative in the exercise is followed with a sketch map. The candidates should practice writing the solutions to the problems posed in the exercise situations.

Study the narrative and setting with concentration and clear understand the situation. You must grasp and remember the essentials.

Problem Priority

Find out the problems involved and determine their priority. Once you know what the problem is. You will have little difficulty in finding the answer. In some situations, the problem may be evident, e.g., to destroy the enemy and his equipment, to catch the robbers or dacoits, to save the people from flood waters and so forth. In other situations it may be slightly involved and mixed with certain side issues. Some situations may pose more than one problem and you are to determine which is the most urgent and important one which you have to tackle on priority. Finally. The candidate should careful to avoid the side stories purposely introduced in the setting to detract the attention of the candidates from the main issue. e.g., when the dam is threatening to burst, a beautiful girl wants her dog to be taken out from a well; when the people and property is to be protected from the dacoits an old lady wants her sheep to be saved from the tiger and so on.

Available Resources

After discerning the problem, consider the resources at your disposal and plan how they could be best employed, the resources include such factors as men, arms, transport equipment, materials etc.

Always keep the time factor in mind. Every problem will invariably involve certain time element. You should never lose sight of the time factor.

Possible Solutions

Remember that each problem of this type can have a number of solutions. Do not waste time on thinking about the best solution possible. Work out some practical plan. Often ii is not the solution itself that matters but it is the mode in which it is presented and accepted. 6. Proceed from step to step logically and systematically. Be very clear in your mind as to what you propose to achieve by each one of your moves in the plan.

Time Limit

Do not waste your time on very minor issues. You can have certain presumptions and take certain things for granted. e.g.. the existence of telephones at certain towns, knowledge of the area to the people of the area and so forth. Speak boldly, slowly and deliberately. You must be able to catch arrest and hold the attention of the group when you speak.

Be considerate to the feelings of others. Do not be harsh in your criticism. Use a lot of tact. If you must disagree, do it with smile? If you are in the wrong, admit it quickly and cheerfully. Do not be rigid or dogmatic but keep an open mind. Try and be the spokesman of the group, if you can. To present the group plan. The fact that the group has selected you for this task means something. If you take a leading part in discussing the group plan. if you have given some useful ideas, and if your expression is good. The group will be eager To nominate you as its spokesman to present the group plan.

Be Interested

Whether you present the plan or not, be interested. Lived and cheerful. You must participate when the group deliberates its plan to solve the problem. This exercise like the Group Discussion is meant for you to express your ideas which YOU should not fail to do. If you do not speak out, it will be assumed that your knowledge is poor and that you have not comprehended the problem. There fore, the more you talk the better it will be. Provided you do not say irrelevant things. Also give chance to others to speak. Finally, always try and give encouragement to those who are shy and hesitant. Your co-operative attitude and how the group accepts you. Are very important factors in this exercise also.

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