
Critical - Logical Reasoning lessons and Download Sample MCQs

Critical Reasoning is not only the integral element in the GMAT but also an essential part of NTS GAT and NTS NAT. You must make yourself proficient in dealing with such type of questions to have higher score in these tests.
Logical reasoning section of the test evaluate the understanding of how the test taker interlinks different ideas presented in a small passage and deduce results from the hidden assumptions on the basis of logic.

Condensed English

Critical or logical questions are presented to the test taker in the form of a small passage normally of three to five lines. The English used in this type of questions is condensed. Broader ideas are condensed into three to five lines of standard width.
You can understand the depth of the section by taking lessons step by step and also take the quizzes during lessons.

For taking lesson, follow the steps

Step 1: Basics of Critical/Logical Reasoning

Understanding how arguments work is critical to doing well on the Reasoning section of your test. This module is designed to give you the tools that you need to analyze arguments, and to help you identify the most important structural elements of an argument. With these tools you'll be able to approach each Reasoning section with confidence. div>

Step 2: Challenging Critical/Logical Reasoning

f you've reached this point you've already completed the Reasoning Basics module, and taken the Reasoning Basics Quiz. So by now, you've become familiar with the fundamentals of arguments, and with some of the most common question types.

Step 3: Practice Questions

After the completion and understanding the lessons, you must take practice questions. In this set of practice questions you'll find the questions of all type discussed in the lessons.

Video Lessons and 10 Fully Explained Grand Tests

Large number of solved practice MCQ with explanations. Video Lessons and 10 Fully explained Grand/Full Tests.

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