
Qualifying Marks in CSS Exam

The Commission with prior approval of the Government may fix qualifying marks in any or all of the subjects of the examination but a candidate who fails to secure at least 40% marks in any compulsory subject, 33% marks it any of the optional subjects, or 50% marks in the Aggregate and 100 marks at the Viva Voce, will be considered to have failed and will not be eligible for appointment. CSS Candidates qualifying the written examination and found eligible will be called for Medical, Psychological Tests and Viva Voce.

Handwriting in CSS Exam

From the marks assigned to candidates in each subject, such deductions will be made as the Commission may consider necessary in order to ensure that no credit is allowed for merely superficial knowledge “Candidates who obtain less than 40% marks in any of the Compulsory subjects and 33% marks in any of the optional subjects will not be given credit in that subject”.

If any candidate’s handwriting is not easily legible, a deduction will be made on this account from the total marks otherwise accruing to him/her. In case of illegible handwriting zero marks will be awarded on this account. Marks will be deducted for irrelevance.

Credit will be given for orderly, effective and exact expression combined with due economy of words in all subjects of Examination. Answers to questions in excess of the required number shall not be neither marked nor taken into account. The marking will be in order of consecutive answers.

Paper Handling in CSS Exam

If any candidate writes his/her Roll No (except in the space provided for this purpose on the core of the answer book) or writes his/her name or makes any distinguishing mark at any place in his/her answer book and/or additional Answer Books, he/she shall be awarded Zero marks in that paper, besides any other punishment which the CSS Commission may decide to award.

Candidates must use blue or black ink only in their Answer Books otherwise Zero marks may be awarded.

Candidates will be admitted to the examination provisionally at their own risk subject to their being found eligible in all respects. on detailed scrutiny of the applications after the announcement of result of the written part of the examination, if any candidate is found ineligible in any respect under rules for the examination his/her candidature will be cancelled regardless of the fact whether he/she has appeared in the examination or qualified therein.

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