
ISSB Word Association Test (WAT)

Word Association Test (WAT) is one of the took of the Projection technique, employed by modern psychologists to assess the personality traits of an individual. The other important tools of this technique are the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) and the Psychological Situational Test which are discussed in the following’ two chapters. All these three methods of the Projection Technique are used at the 1.LS.S.B. to evaluate the personality traits of the candidates. In this chapter we shall consider the nature. scope and dares. In this chapter we shall consider the nature, scope and application of the Word Association Test, as employed in the I.S.S.B.

The Word Association Test method was first used by C.G. Jung (1905) to find out suppressed ideas strongly tinged with feeling tone which influence the overt behaviour of an individual. In other words it was applied to unearth the individual’s basic desires. This method as later amplified by Kent and Rosen off (1910), who made out a list of commonly used words to elicit the required responses from the individual. In the opinion of Rapport (1946) ho developed and perfect this method further. WAT is extremely useful’ to discover emotional feeling tones, attitudes and problem areas on the part of the individuals being evaluated. To sum up, the World. Association Test provides a clue to the dynamic content of the individual’s personality structure.

In WAT. a word written to printed on a cardboard is kept exposed to the candidates view for 15 seconds and he is.asked to write a sentence. using that word, within that 15 seconds .the tola1 number’ of words thus shown during the World Association Test is 50.Since the time is so short, the candidate has no time to think or ponder, but just has to write whatever thought comes to his mind first. In other words, the candidate gives his natural ICSOO’ise to the stimuli induced by the particular word. In some stances. 1h candidates may be asked to indicate Just their reactions or ideas in n phrase or group of words, instead of writing complete and regular sentences, In order to he sure as to what exact’ required, the candidate must listen carefully the to the instruction of the psychologist who conducts the test. Where complete sentences are specifically called for, the candidate must be careful to write them accordingly Marks are awarded for the ideas expressed as well as few the ability to write on all the 50 words, as required. Marks are deducted if the candidate fails to write or give his response to any of the words.

Keep in Mind

Write simple and brief sentences to save time as much as possible. For example. Success: The reward for hard work is success.

  1. Meaningful Sentences The sentences must be meaningful and not merely descriptive. For example, Playground: “This is a playground” is a sentence but hardly conveys any purposeful meaning. On the other hand, “Many valuable lesson of life are learnt on the playground”, conveys certain significance.
  2. Dont be Anti-Social Avoid anti-social pessimistic and negative approach while expressing your ideas, e.g.,

    Courage: Dacoits always reveal great courage as compared to the villagers.

    (Anti-social: may be interpreted that you have great admiration for anti-social elements.)

    Alone: Better rush to safety alone than face the risk with other. (Anti-.social: being highly selfish and individualistic.)

    Defeat: One cannot always avoid defeat. (Pessimistic; lacking confidence in one’s own ability to overcome difficulty.)

  3. Positive Attitude Write constructive, positive sentences revealing desire to improve, learn. Cooperate and Work hard, e.g.,

    Courage: “When our soldiers fought with Courage The enemy ran away.


  • Difficulty: Any difficulty can be overcome by hard work.
  • Fear: Knowledge and training dispel fear.
  • Work: Hard work leads to success.
  • Country: I love my country.
  • Luck: Where there is pluck, there is luck.
  • Ghost: stories are popular in all countries.
  • Trust: Trust in God and do your best.
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