
ISSB Synonym Test

The word synonym means “a name or word having the same meaning with another one or two or more words. The candidates, in this test, are supplied with pairs of words with the same meaning. But a certain pair is such that the meaning of the two words in the pair is not the same. Here, the job of the candidate is simply to pick up a pair of words which do not carry the same meaning and write down the number of that pair.


Write the number of the pair of the words, which do not possess the same kind of meaning as the others:

  1. Honesty and integrity
  2. Bondage and freedom
  3. Risk and danger
  4. Pain and agony

Answer: Choice (2)

English Vocabulary

PAF Synonym questions cannot be prepared effectively without vocabulary. You must learn word lists given in this site or from any other source. English vocabulary is the basis for synonym questions.

Logical Relationship

Establish logical relationship between the words. Dont find the exact meaning of the words.

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