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Tactics of Appearing at Interview

Broadly speaking, an interview is nothing more than a mere conversation. It is a two-way traffic in which the interviewer tries to discover whether a student or a candidate has the ability to a particular job. The interviewer does not have much time at his disposal, and hence, he attempts to have a fair estimate of the personality, attitude and knowledge of the candidate in a summary manner. Therefore, quickness and tranquil confidence are of essential importance for the interviewees. It is quite possible to be rapid without being hasty and to be cool and composed without being slow.div>

Subject Knowledge

There is no doubt in the fact that knowledge of the subject or subjects regarding which the interviewer may question the candidate is quite essential. But it should be considered that an interview is not merely an examination of the amount of information that a candidate possess. More often, the academic knowledge of a candidate is estimated in written examinations. Usually, interviews are conducted to supplement and complement and not supplant a written examination. The interview, ordinarily, follows the written examination. The written examination is the first stage in which the less knowledgeable candidates are weeded out. The interviewer tries to finding out the extent and intensity of the candidate's command over the subjects, the traits of his personality and the main features of his attitude.

Therefore, a candidate must demonstrate to the interviewer, the better aspects of his personality. He should have appreciable command over his subjects, but at the same time he must be in a position to face others in a confident, courteous and relaxed manner.

Art of Relaxation

To relax is not a difficult things. Dale Carnegie, the popular American author, has offered a reasonable enough formula to offer for the art of relaxation. He says that nothing succeeds better in taking out the element of fear and stiffness from the formal conditions. He suggests that, a candidate to do well in an interview should not regard the examiners as superior men, or extraordinary and majestic men but simply as men. Relaxation would make a candidate feel at home with the others. The candidate then considers his examiners or interviewers as friends and not enemies. It may also be noted here that the same tactics are found to be very helpful in case of public speaking. The speaker should not be afraid of his audience, he should not consider that his audience are superior to him or even equal to him. On the contrary, he must consider the members of the audience as somewhat inferior to him in intelligence and knowledge. So to say, he must have confidence and dynamism.

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