
PPSC - Civil Judge cum Judicial Magistrate

All applicant for the posts of Civil Judge cum Judicial Magistrate will have to take a written exam. The paper will be comprised of eight compulsory subjects. The medium of written exam will be English unless otherwise stated.

  • Time allowed for each subjective paper shall be three hours.
  • Time allowed for MCQ type paper shall be of two hours.

PPSC - Civil Judge cum Judicial Magistrate Exam Distribution

Non-Muslim candidates have the option either to attempt MCQs on Islamic Studies or the same number of questions in a separate section.

PPSC - Civil Judge cum Judicial Magistrate Exam Criteria

  • A candidate will be called for Viva Voce and Psychological test unless he has
    • scored at least 33% marks in each individual written paper
    • scored 50% marks in the aggregate of the written portion of the examination
  • Qualifying marks for Viva Voce and Psychological tests are 50%

Subject Detail

The paper evaluates the ability of the candidates in functional English comprising precise writing, translation from Urdu to English, composition, usage of idioms and an essay.
This paper evaluates the ability of the candidates to translate an English passage into Urdu, usage of legal terms in Urdu, composition, precise writing, use of idioms and an essay.
Islamic Studies
This will be MCQ paper on Islamic Studies, basic principles of Islam, fundamental of belief and practices.
Pakistan Studies
MCQ on Pakistan Studies
General Knowledge
MCQ paper on everyday science, current world affairs and also broad facts of historical, political, geographical and economic significance.
Civil Law-I
The Code of Civil Procedure - 1908, The West Pakistan Civil Court Ordinance - 1962, The Contract Act - 1872, The Sale of Goods Act - 1930, The Specific Relief Act - 1877
Civil Law-II
Muhammadan Law, The Muslim Family Law Ordinance - 1961, The Family Court Act - 1964, The Registration Act - 1908, The Stamps Act - 1899, The Limitation Act - 1908, The Guardian and Wards Act - 1890
Criminal Law
The Pakistan Penal Code - 1898, The Criminal Procedure Code - 1898, The Police Order - 2002, The Offense against Property (Enforcement of Hadd) Ordinance of 1979, The Prohibition (Enforcement of Hadd) Order - 1979
General Law
Part I: (75 marks) The Qanoon-e-Shahadat Order - 1984, Part II: (75 marks)
  1. The Land Revenue Act, 1967
  2. The Small Claims and Minor Offenses Courts Ordinance - 2002.
  3. The Juvenile Justice System Ordinance - 2000

Psychological Test and Viva Voce

Candidates who qualify the written portion of the examination will be called for the Psychological and Viva Voce Test, as under

Psychological Test

Psychological Test comprises of paper and pencil test and group tasks. Such tests are designed to assess abilities, attitude and personality characteristics of the candidates with special regards to their aptitude for the judicial services. Candidate's performance in psychological assessment will form the part of his/her over all performance.

Viva Voce Test

candidate will be interviewed by a Board. He/She will be asked questions on matters of general interest. The object of the interview is to assess his/her suitability for the service for which he/she is a candidate and in framing their assessment the Board will attach particular importance to the moral and ethical qualities of the candidates, his/her intelligence and alertness of mind, vigour and strength of character and his/her potential qualities of leadership. The Board will also take into consideration his/her extra-moral activities such as sports, hobbies etc. and their effect on his/her personality and character.
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