
ISSB Group Obstacle Task Advice

  • Observe carefully the structures and settings in each obstacle and plan your moves from point to point, structure t structure or stage to stage.
  • Keep in mind the helping materials that have been provided to you. You should to best use the men and material available to the group. You should consider how the helping materials could be effectively made use of, to serve as bridging elements. support. Ladder. Reaching equipment, to tie up the moving part in a swim and so on. Investigate and see whether the bally or the rope swing and so on. Investigate and see whether the bally or the rope cold be used for a particular purpose. 1)o not come to any hasty conclusion without proper trials. You can make a longer bally by joining the two together with the help of the rope.
  • Explain your ideas with confidence and conviction to the other members of the group and ask for their comments and suggestions. Do not he shy or hesitant. Take the lead in giving the ideas and in executing the ideas.
  • Do not waste too much time in theoretical discussions. Proceed with the actual physical work with minimum possible delay. Use the bally or the rope and get on to the first structure. Once you show action, the others will follow you. Then advance from one structure to another till you reach the finish line.
  • Ensure at least one or two men move across first to the finish line. Then it would help considerably to send the load, other members and the materials across without difficulty.
  • If inadvertently you touch the out of bounds areas, be sure to return to the start line at once. Do not wait to be remained about the rule by G.T.O. Returning to the start line does not mean that you should stay there only for the rest of the time. You should come back at once to your original position and proceed further with the task.
  • Do not insist that your ideas alone should be accepted. Implement the ideas accepted by the group whole heartedly.
  • Give lavish encouragement to all and especially to the weaker members in the group while they negotiate the obstacles. Wherever possible, also help them physically. supporting them, giving them a hand and so on.
  • Never remain in the background or at the start-line, you must show some initiative and you must be pushing and active. Try and take the lead. If that is not possible, be an active helper in the front line, closely at the foot-steps of the leader.
  • Keen your interest on the work in hand and concentrate on the group activities with enthusiasm. Volunteer to help others, volunteer to carry the load, volunteer to cross the difficult obstacle and never hesitate to accept and take certain risks. You should be enterprising revealing dash and energy. Do not remain isolated, brooding and dejected. You should be with lot of life and zest.
  • Be agile, fast and active. Be always on your toes. Do not walk lazily but run as fast as you can. There must always be urgency in your movements. Do not remain silent and idle. Be talking. encouraging. suggesting, doing something and so on. Even if you happen to be temporarily on the start line or .in the background. you could still be active. At least you could talk, give ideas. suggest something and render some advice.
  • Remember the extreme importance of being co-operative Always show a positive and constructive approach. Do not criticize any one. Give some sense of importance to everyone in the group.
  • Be ready to take reasonable risks, e.g. jumping from a height. Climbing up on a beam, swinging across with the help of a swing rope and so on. Never mind even if you do not succeed in your attempts. But you should never shy away from taking the chance and making the attempt. Also do not give up in the first attempt. Try again. You must show determination and consistency.
  • Show the ability to take quick and prompt decisions. Do not waver and hesitate. Do not keep on fluctuating. Take a firm decision and act on it quickly. Never be indecisive.
  • Be keen and ready to accept responsibility. You must willingly accept responsibility. You must also volunteer to accept responsibility’.
  • Reveal interest, zeal, urge, enthusiasm and animation in whatever you do, whether in physical work or just mere talking. Keep your attention firmly fixed on the group activity. Do not allow your eyes and mind to wander away or drift about from the task in hand. Do not try to look elsewhere or on other group activities.
  • Take the initiative always and use any opportunity that may come your way to show and establish your leadership. Show imitative in helping others and taking over responsibility. Give help and assistance without being asked to do so.
  • Display ability to organize matters. Allot responsibilities and tasks to your group members without bossing over them. In other words request or persuade each member to do certain specific job. Remember to choose the right man for the right job. Holding the bally, carrying the load, throwing the rope. etc. are some of the very common task which require to be allocated to different candidates in these exercises.
  • Never lose your temper. Be patient. You must learn to understand and appreciate others. Never shout at others. Use persuasion and request for co-operation.
  • Above all, be cheerful and smiling. Show a friendly and cordial approach. Have complete faith in your ability to attain success in all your undertakings. Remember the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.
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