
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education - Sahiwal

Sahiwal was a small town on Main Karachi Lahore railway Line. 1989 Sahiwal was declared district and its headquarter was established in Pakpattan and 1864 it was shifted to Sahiwal . The current city was founded by Lt. Governor of Punjab Sir Robert Montgomery in 1865. Sahiwal was originally known as Montgomery on the name of its founder. The name was changed in 1996 and city took it's current Sahiwal.

Responsibility of the Board

The sole responsibility of the board is to administer and conduct the exam for 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th classes.

BISE Sahiwal Roll Number Slip, Date Sheets, Results, and Past Papers (Matric and Inter)

Roll No Slips
Roll Number slips of all exams of BISE SAHIWAL. The Roll number is issued to the applicats on aspecified date. In case you do not receive ....
Roll No slips
Date Sheet
Download the Date Sheets of all exams of BISE SAHIWAL in pdf format. Immediate and easily downlaodable. The Date sheet is uploaded immediately..
Date Sheet
Find the result of a candidate of BISE SAHIWAL exams by roll numbers. Just insert your roll no and find the summary of result immediately.

Past Papers

Download the past papers of BISE SAHIWAL in pdf format. Fast speed download. more about Past Papers

The sole purpose of all documents and information provided here is to update students for the sake of help. Any error or omission is inevitable. The student must contact the relevant board's office for further and confirmed information.

BISE - Sahiwal

BISE Sahiwal Objectives

In Pakistan literacy rate is around 45%. For the up-gradation of literacy a lot of work is required. Another aspect of education is to provide quality education to all citizens so that they may reach their maximum potential and become responsible citizens of the country. Government of Pakistan, both at federal and provisional levels, has introduced education sector reforms. The purpose is to develop human resources of the nation which will ultimately help in determining its character and destiny. We are short of qualified force of scientists and researchers in our Universities/Boards which are the national institutions for building the future of our country. Our younger generation, instead of going for search of knowledge and inventions in the field of science and technology, is only striving to join professions. This neglect of basic science fields by our younger generation is adversely affecting the national development. Sahiwal Board is working to be proved a mile stone to promote above objectives.
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