
Lesson: Sentence Correction Challenging - 01

CAT's Sentence Correction Challenge Module

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In this module you will learn:

  • The most commonly tested grammatical rules
  • How to find and eliminate stylistic errors
  • How to make effective guesses

In the Sentence Correction Basics Workshop we covered the structure of this particular question type, the CAT 4-Step Method for Sentence Corrections, and some of the most commonly tested grammatical rules. This module is a continuation of the Basics Workshop; we will review the remaining grammatical rules and how to apply the CAT Method to them. If you have not yet completed the Basics Workshop, please do so before beginning this lesson.

The grammatical flaws that we are about to review are often the hardest errors to spot, and if you don't recognize an error, then you cannot correct it methodically. You're certain to encounter these hard-to-spot errors on test day, so it's worth your time and effort to become familiar with them.

Let's get started!

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