
Skill Development Council Islamabad - Islamabad

Skill Development Council, Islamabad is established by the Government of Pakistan under National Training Ordinance 1980, amended Ordinance 2002. Skill Development Council Islamabad operates on Public-Private Partnership with active participation of Employers Federation of Pakistan [EFP] and Private Sector Businessmen, who have created the success story of the Skill Development Council, Islamabad.

BISE - Islamabad

Skill Development Council aim

Skill Development Council aim is to identify, develop and arrange Vocational, Technical / Professional and IT Training Programs.
Training Programs are flexible, demand driven and cost effective with maximum participation from the Employers.
SDC Islamabad also offers tailor-made courses, according to the customers needs. It conducts Training Needs Assessment Surveys and schedules its training programs accordingly.

Contact Information

We can be contacted via e-mail , phone, fax or post.
Postal Address:Skill Development Council,House # 107, Street - 8,F-11/1, Islamabad.
Telephone: +92-51-2224501-2 ,Fax: +92-51-2224503
E-mail : sdc@sdc.com.pk , Website: www.sdc.com.pk
Mr. Muhammad Riaz Chief Executive Officer
Email: ceo@sdc.com.pk , Telephone: 0331-788 8990
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