The overall picture that emerges here is that of an individual who is pretty much limited in his mental level and whose outlook on life is predominantly negative oriented. He is -not gifted with a temperament to undertake strenuous assignments with patience and perseverance. He has a marked averseness towards -physical exertion and hard work. On the other hand, he is prone to indulging in idle day-dreams, imagining all types of short-cuts to distinotion. Socially rigid, reserved and mild, he proves to be a jo1r mixer. There is no spontaneity or warmth in his dealings with others. Dynamically, he is slow to react and lacks self-confidence and enterprise. He cannot come to a decision and doubts assails mind throughout. He hesitates to make even a start since he fears that the outcome will not be in his favour. He is practically devoid of optimism and invents excuses for his failures even before starting a• work or project.
Poor in ideas as well as expression he is unable to put across his views in a coherent and convincing manner. He believes in threats and punishments to get the work done in a team. He does not have the capacity to influence others in a democratic manner. Hence he is not useful for team work either as a worker or as a leader. Mostly he is selfish and proves to be indifferent to the feelings of others.
When faced with difficulties he gives up and runs away at the earliest opportunity. He does not have the courage and determination to face life boldly and realistically. Training and coaching, will not benefit him as his defects are inherent and deep rooted. He lacks motivation, zeal and interest to make a career for himself, as also the stamina and temperament for hard work. What is more, he is gloomy, cold and reticent. Therefore, he will prove to be a great liability rather than an asset to any organization. This unenterprising and dull individual is therefore rejected.