The subject discussed may relate to sports, rail travel, girl students, examinations, popular pictures, favorite film stars and so forth. In these discussions no one is formally appointed as the Chairman or President. There are no proposers, seconders, etc. No one is asked to take sides as in a formal debate. There is no question of voting or arriving at any decision. Each student just expresses his views on the subject, as he feels about it. If someone criticizes his views he may answer the criticism in a friendly manner. If he finds better views than his own are expressed by others, he may change his original views. The same factors are applicable to the Group Discussion organized by the G.T.O. The only difference is that the subjects for discussion are given by G.T.O. Secondly, definite time limit is provided in G.T.O’s Group Discussion.
This informal group discussion, first of all enables the members of the group to understand one another better. The candidates notice and compare unconsciously the verbal facility, depth of knowledge, breadth of ideas, logical reasoning and convincing ability of one another. The observer will see the impact created by each candidate on the group. He will note as to who expresses his ideas well, who has sound arguments, who shows keenness and interest, who has sufficient knowledge of the subject, who succeeds in convincing the group, who has a logical and systematic approach, who reveals the tendency to co-operate, who does the co-ordination, who is liked by the group and so on.