
ISSB - Verbal Intelligence Tests

In the verbal intelligence test, the candidate is given approximately 80 questions to be answered in 35 minutes. Although some of the questions are rather long and the total number appears to be high, they nevertheless call for generally one word answers and can be easily tackled within the time limit. In order to score high marks, the candidate must listen carefully to the illustration. Once the problem is understood and the essentials grasped, the candidate will have no difficulty in finding the answers. Since the time as extremely limited, the candidate should not waste time on difficult problems which take time for proper comprehension.


  • The candidate must attempt all easy and known problems in the first instance reserving the more difficult ones to be tackled later. In this way he can score more marks than wasting time on difficult question.
  • Accuracy is another factor which contributes considerably for high marks. It is better to do one question rightly than attempting three questions incorrectly. The merely attempted questions and wrong answers do not carry any marks. It is therefore better to ensure that the answer given is right before rushing on to other questions in great haste.
  • The candidate must be patient and steady when attempting the questions. It is not necessary that all the questions should be attempted, especially in a hurry. It is perhaps sufficient, even if the candidate able to answer 50 percent of the questions correctly.

Type of Questions and Sample Questions

By skipping over the difficult and time consuming questions, and by tackling the easier questions first, the candidate would be able to secure a good grading. What is more, this method of approach will give enough confidence and help the candidate to resolve even the more difficult question. He must on also remember that the psychologist awards marks, more on the basis of the candidate's performance in the projective personality Tests, than on the basis of the Intelligence Tests.

Key Factors

The key factor in an intelligence problem is to perceive and appreciate the relationship between different things given in the setting, within the specified time. In order to perceive this key relationship, the candidate must observe the pattern or set of words, figures etc, carefully.


For your understanding of sections on the test, each one has been explained with examples. Go through each section from the right menu.

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