Human behaviour, according to modern psychologist, does not just happen, but is really caused. No action, no emotion, no thought of a person ever occurs spontaneously. How an individual responds to any particular situation, depends upon what he brings into the situation in terms of his abilities, attitudes, skills, desires, understanding and habits. This has given rise to the concept of individual differences. Although many things are common among the human individuals, strangely no two individuals behave or respond in an identical fashion to a given stimulus or situation.
The interaction between the individual and the situation determines his behaviour, and his total personality make up. Thus the attributes that make a person unique, that make him stand out differently from all others, constitute his personality. A study of these attributes enables us to distinguish and differentiate between strong and weak, between positive personalities. A strong personality spells leadership, but it must have positive orientation to promote collective enterprise in harmony. A strong personality negatively Oriented will give rise to discord, strife, conflicts and may even lead to violence. In any organization whether in government, public sector or private sector an individual is required to work as a member of a team. He has to meet and adjust his behaviour or conduct with other individuals at three different basic levels superiors. equals and subordinates. One of the effective means to find out whether the individual has a strong or weak personai1y and whether he has a positive or negative mental orientation is the Thematic Apperception Test. It is a projective technique. Here the individual crked to record his reactions under set conditions in a specific pattern of Story writing.