
ISSB Picture Illustration 8

ISSB Story 8

Human behaviour, according to modern psychologist, does not just happen, but is really caused. No action, no emotion, no thought of a person ever occurs spontaneously. How an individual responds to any particular situation, depends upon what he brings into the situation in terms of his abilities, attitudes, skills, desires, understanding and habits. This has given rise to the concept of individual differences. Although many things are common among the human individuals, strangely no two individuals behave or respond in an identical fashion to a given stimulus or situation.

The interaction between the individual and the situation determines his behaviour, and his total personality make up. Thus the attributes that make a person unique, that make him stand out differently from all others, constitute his personality. A study of these attributes enables us to distinguish and differentiate between strong and weak, between positive personalities. A strong personality spells leadership, but it must have positive orientation to promote collective enterprise in harmony. A strong personality negatively Oriented will give rise to discord, strife, conflicts and may even lead to violence. In any organization whether in government, public sector or private sector an individual is required to work as a member of a team. He has to meet and adjust his behaviour or conduct with other individuals at three different basic levels superiors. equals and subordinates. One of the effective means to find out whether the individual has a strong or weak personai1y and whether he has a positive or negative mental orientation is the Thematic Apperception Test. It is a projective technique. Here the individual crked to record his reactions under set conditions in a specific pattern of Story writing.

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Rana was a notorious, cruel and merciless dacoit. 1-Ic had committed many daring robberies and burnt whole villages. Recently a new police superintendent was posted to that area and his was hunting for Rana and his gang. Rana heard that the police parts was traveling by a train and decided to teach the police a lesson. In the picture we see Rana and his gang removing the fish plates and tampering with the rail track. But the police officer was too clever. The train came to a halt well ahead of the damaged area. A large pohce force jumped out of the train and the dacoits were surrounded, Rana tried to run away in panic. But he was shot and killed on the spot.


The author displays a negative approach and displays antisocial qualities. The hero has been depicted as a violent, merciless criminal. To take vengeance, the hero decides to destroy many innocent lives by wrecking the train. The author is thus selfish and rigid.. The story has a poor ending. The hero meets with failure and loses his life. Rejected.

In the picture we see a group of people near a railway track. One person who looks rather young appears to be explaining or something to the other people in the group. The young man is Jamal who is a loyal railway employee. The local population has been agitating against price rise and some of the miscreants have damaged the railway track. The express train is due in the next 30 40 minutes and Jamal is working hard with a group of loyal employees to repair the rail track. The rebels have threatened to Hack Jamal but he is doing his duty bravely and courageously. He has also successfully motivated the other employees to come out boldly and do their duty in spite of the threat from local good as He had also taken the precaution to inform the police and before the miscreants could arrive on the scene, the police came to the pit. Thanks to the courage and foresight of Jamal, a major rail disaster was averted. Jamal was awarded a medal for his brae and selfless act.


This story indicates that the author is capable of taking bold and decisive action ever when confronted with serious and complicated situations. He has the ability to motivate and influence others even when the going is tough. He proves enterprising and imaginative. The hero displays good organizing ability and plans his activities systematically and methodically Very confident of success .Selected.

Ishtaq was the leader of a terrorist group. While at college he fell a prey to the propaganda and brainwashing of enemy agents. He abandoned his studies and joined the terrorist group. He was assigned the task of damaging the rail track and wreaking a mail train to strike terror on the authorities. Ishtaq and his group tampered with the rail track and the mail train capsized with serious damage. Unfortunately, many senior leaders of the terrorist gang and their foreign advisers were traveling by the same train. In the train disaster, they were all killed. Ishtaq was blamed for this tragedy that caused the death of the party leaders. He was charged with treachery and double cross and was executed by the other party leaders.


A confused and poorly write narrative. The author appears to be labouring under some complex and imaginary grievance. His approach is negative and anti-social. He resorts to criminal methods. However, lacking in imagination and organizing ability, he bungles and loses the battle. The author seems to be a defeatist who lacks confidence and courage. Rejected.

During a week-end holiday, Akmal and some of his college mates went to the country side for a Jamal game. They learnt that a tiger was loose and creating havoc in villages of the region. With the help of local people Akmal tracked down the tiger. Being a good marksman he shot the tiger and eliminated the menace. While returning he had to cross a rail track. There he noticed that the rail thick had been tampered with. At once he rushed some students to the nearest stations •.in both directions to warm the railway authorities. In addition, he also posted sentries at suitable distances m both sides to stop any trains which might come before the warning could reach them. Then he tried to repair the track himself. As he was engaged in the repair work some armed miscreants tried to attack him and his party members. Akmal answered them back with his gun. He made the miscreants surrender and handed them over to the authorities. Because of Akmal’s initiative and prompt action a major train disaster was averted.


In this story the hero has been portrayed as an able and imaginative leader. He likes adventures, displays an sense of social responsibility. He shows courage and capability in eliminating the tiger menace. We observe his excellent organizing capacity and resourceful planning in averting the train accident. He captures the miscreants successfully. The author is optimistic in his outlook.Heis dynamic and enterprising. Selected.

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