
ISSB Speech Test

Speech Test is screening to see if the candidate has the power of arresting the attention of a group. In fact, it simply means that the candidate is able to impress others by his manner of expression, fluency clarity of thoughts fine delivery etc. This has to be done just in three minutes.

How to be Good Speaker

Suppose three subjects below are given. I-low could son go about t? Gaines and Sports. Ideal of a Military Officer. Why do you want to join the Services? Were you to choose the first subject, you would quickly make a mental note of the points that come uppermost in your reckoning.

Games provide relaxation The body gets as much attention as the mind. Discipline team spirit, Ieadership, cooperation sports man ship, initiative, toughness, mind and body remain equally strong………….

In the second subject, Ideal of a Military Officer, like points could be gathered beginning with sound education, love of country discipline, character, daring, initiative, spirit of adventure, impartiality and sympathy, punctuality, social popularity, neatness and smart appearance…………

The third subject will call for points, which the individual one can decide. Among other things, love for country and a desire to defend her, discipline and valuable training, stipend during training, steady career, healthy life, adventure………….

The mind should he so trained as to yield points at short notice. Once the train of thoughts starts, the flow will be easy. During the ten days, several speeches should he prepared in advance. No attempt at memorizing, however, should he made, trusting the ii md to cope with the situation.

Advice to the candidates

  • Select the subject on which you can get the greatest number of points within the limited time at your disposal.
  • Arrange your thoughts before you begin to speak. Then stand in an easy position to speak to the group. Avoid resting one leg and the other alternately. Then start with these words. “Mr. G.T.O. and Friends. I am going to express a few thoughts on...... (mention the subject)
  • Avoid unnecessary movements of hands and legs as these show nervousness.
  • Speak in a moderately high and pleasant voice so that everybody could hear you and enjoy your lecture.
  • Be careful to avoid politics and controversial points. Men in the armed forces are expected to be above politics and other matter that divide people and cause conflicts. Keeping these things in mind, you have to speak accordingly.
  • As far as possible, follow the order that is natural so as to impress upon the G.T.O. that you can present your ideas clearly.

The subjects below have been selected from those set at the recent I.S.S.B. Interviews for Speech Test.

  • Can the secrets of Nuclear Research be shared among all nations?
  • Which of the three Services — Air Force, Navy or Army should be increased in Pakistan?
  • Money - Is it an evil or a blessing?
  • The book you like most.
  • Disarmament.
  • The role of U.N.
  • Peaceful uses of atomic energy.
  • The leader you admire most.
  • Military life has close link with N.C.C. and sports as a career.
  • Double standers, one for the West and another for the East, cause tensions and cold war.
  • Future of Democracy in Pakistan.
  • Beggar Problem in Pakistan.
  • How can recruitment in Pakistan be encouraged?
  • Discipline and its importance.
  • Co-operative Farming iii relation to increase in yields.
  • Illiteracy in Pakistan is serious bar to progress.
  • Should foreign publicity in Pakistan be curbed.
  • Pakistan’s publicity abroad — Is it adequate?
  • Unemployment in Pakistan — how can it be tackled?
  • Compulsory Military Training.
  • Science can abolish poverty in backward countries.
  • Emotional Integration at school stage.
  • Which comes first, mental health or physical health?
  • My ideaI of a teacher.
  • Importance of hobbies.
  • Modern means of transport.
  • Dignity of labour.
  • Classless society.
  • How can we build a strong nation?
  • Importance of character.
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