
Lesson: Sentence Completion - 12

Sentence Completion Structural Key Points


In this type of pattern, one part of a sentence contains an idea that contrasts with or is opposed to an idea in another part of the sentence. Here’s a single-blank example:

Example 1

Whereas most artists manage to summon the requisite creativity to produce art whatever their mood, during periods of _______ is when the world’s preeminent artists seem to conjure up their atest masterpieces.
  1. infirmity
  2. transition
  3. infatuation
  4. convalescence
  5. despondency

Solved Example


What is there about the sentence that tells you to look for a contrast? It’s the word “Whereas.” In other words, the first part of the sentence tells you something about most artists that should contrast with what the second part of the sentence tells you about really at artists. The only answer choice that provides this contrast is despondency.The correct answer is (E).

Here are some other signpost words that are used to signal a contrast:

Although nevertheless
But nonetheless
by contrast on the other hand
despite unlike
however yet
. Note that you could use almost any word from the preceding list instead of “whereas” to set up the same contrast. (Some you’d use to introduce the first part of the sentence; others you’d use to introduce the second part of the sentence.) Try each one to see if it fits, and if so, where. Not all sentences with contrasting ideas will use one of the signpost words listed above. Let’s look at a challenging dual-blank question in which the sentence contains no obvious signposts but its rhetorical structure nevertheless intends to convey contrasting ideas: Hint

Example 2

Most social psychologists ae that the root of human prejudice lies more in _______, almost primal, sense of fear than in the sort of _______ that is learned and can therefore be “unlearned.”
  1. an overriding . . behavior
  2. an irrational . . bias
  3. an intrinsic . . distrust
  4. a heightened . . awareness
  5. an instinctive . . emotion

Solved Example


The phrase almost primal, set off as an appositive, tells you that the first blank should contain a close synonym of primal. Both intrinsic and instinctive fit the bill, but none of the other first-blank choices do. The sentence’s rhetorical structure tells you that the word in the second blank should convey an emotion distinguished from (in contrast to) a “sense of fear,” in that it can be learned. The word distrust fits the bill nicely. The word emotion does not establish a contrasting idea and hence it is rhetorically less effective. The correct answer is (C).
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