
Lesson: Challenging Critical/Logical Reasoning - 06

Common Wrong Answer Types: Opposite Answers

[Page 6 of 24]

The test-makers love the Opposite Answer trap. This trap is constructed in one of two ways:

  • By pairing a Strengthen question with an answer choice that does an excellent job of weakening the argument.
  • By pairing a Weaken question with an answer choice that does an excellent job of strengthening the argument.

The key to avoiding this trap is to read carefully and to know what you're looking for.

Salesman: The revolutionary new Shepherd's Gate Protection System represents the latest in sheep-tending technology. The built-in sensors recognize the scent of predators from miles around. When your flock is in danger of attack, the electronic gates surrounding the flock will quickly slam shut, keeping any unwanted animals away and your flock will be safer than ever. Sure, the system is prone to false alarms, but you know what they say: "Better safe than sorry."

Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the salesman's argument?

Sheep cannot be injured by the electronic gates when they quickly slam shut.
Similar electronic protection systems are currently used to protect cattle from attack from predators.
Roughly half of the incidents in which the gates are activated are triggered by false alarms.
Some sheep predators have been hunted almost to extinction.
Flocks of sheep are rarely attacked by predators.

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