
Lesson: Critical/Logical Reasoning - 14t01

Common Question Types: Assumption

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One of the most common question types in a Reasoning section are Assumption questions. Here are some of the ways in which Assumption questions are worded:

  • Which one of the following is assumed by the author?
  • Upon which one of the following assumptions does the author rely?
  • The argument depends on the assumption that …
  • The validity of the argument depends on which one of the following?
  • The argument presupposes which one of the following?

What is an assumption? Write your answer below and then compare your answer to ours.

Assumption: An unstated piece of evidence that supports the conclusion.


An assumption bridges the gap between an argument's evidence and its conclusion. It's a piece of support that isn't explicitly stated, but that is necessary for the conclusion to remain valid. When a question asks you to find an author's assumption, it's asking you to find the statement without which the argument falls apart.

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