
Lesson: Challenging Problem Solving - 08t01

Advanced Algebra: Example 3

[Page 8 of 37]
Review the following question and then proceed to the task below.


If 2x + 3y = 26 and 7x – 5y = 60, then x + y =

Which of the following Problem Solving approaches can be used to solve the question above? Select Yes or No and then click Continue.
Picking Numbers:

Backsolving is not an option for this question since the answer choices give us the sum of x and y. We would need the individual value of just one variable, x or y, in order to use this strategy.

Nor will Picking Numbers work here. Many different numbers could be placed into the two-variable, two-equation system in the question stem for evaluation.

Only algebra remains, although the approach is not as simple as solving for a single variable. Let's try it out.

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