
SAT II Physics

The Physics SAT Subject Test is a one-hour test. It is consisted of of 75 MCQs.

Almost all colleges in USA and amost all reputed institutions in many countries require that an applicant must have a score in SAT physics which meet their admission criteria. SAT Physics measures test taker's ability to apply Physics concepts and understanding to solve the question.

Basic Requirement

A student can take SAT Physics if he/she has taken at least one year of high school/College physics with a laboratory work. Additionally, he/she will feel comfortable in dealing with question of SAT Physics if he/she has knowledge of solving algebra and trigonometry problems.

SAT II Physics is conceptual as well as calculation oriented test. Well performing on the SAT II Physics base on learning and understanding the topics and practicing the questions.

SAT Physics Topics and Course Outlines

Major Topics % on Test
Electricity and Magnetism18-24
Waves 15-19
Heat, Kinetic Theory and Thermodynamics 6-11
Modern Physics6-11
Refresh Physics Concepts

Topics in Detail

TopicPercent of TestQuestions
Newtonian Mechanics34 – 38%25 – 29
Vectors21 – 2
Kinematics64 – 5
Dynamics107 – 8
Work, Energy and Power64 – 5
Special Problems in Mechanics53 – 4
Linear Momentum21 – 2
Rotational Motion10 – 1
Circular Motion and Gravitation42 – 4
Electricity and Magnetism22 – 26%16 – 20
Electric Fields, Forces, Potential107 – 8
Magnetic Fields and Forces64 – 5
Electromagnetic Induction11
Circuits and Circuit Elements64 – 5
Waves and Optics15 – 17%11 – 15
Waves107 – 8
Optics75 – 6
Heat and Thermodynamics8 – 12%6 – 10
Heat and Temperature42 – 4
Kinetic Theory and Ideal Gas Laws2 – 31 – 2
Laws of Thermodynamics10 – 2
Heat Engines2 – 31 – 2
Modern Physics8 – 12%6 – 9
Special Relativity1 – 21 – 2
Atomic models32 – 3
Quantum Physics21 – 2
Nuclear Physics32 – 3
Miscellaneous2 – 4%1 – 3
Graph Analysis1 – 20 – 2
Equation Manipulation.5 – 10 – 1
Significant Numbers and Laboratory Skills.5 – 10 – 1

Format of SAT Physics

The Sat Subject Test in Physics has 75 questions and consist of two parts:

Part A:

  • First 12 or 13 questions.
  • 4 groups of 2 to 4 questions each.
  • The questions within any one group all relate to a single situation.
  • 5 possible answer choices are given before the question.
  • An answer choice can be used once, more than once, or not at all in each group.

Part B:

  • Last 62 or 63 questions
  • Each question has 5 possible answer choice with 1 correct answer
  • Some questions may be in groups of 2 or 3
SAT Physics MCQ Sample Questions


You must know that negative marking is there on the SAT Physics.
Students gain one point for every correct answer, lose 1/4 of a point for each incorrect answer, and receive 0 points for questions left blank. This score is then converted to a scaled score of 200-800.

Average Score

Average score for Pakistani A level student is more higher than the score of FSc students. The reason is obvious, an FSc student rley sololy what is written in the book. His/her own thinking is closed in the black hole. However; this is not true for all, the FSc student who concentrate on concepst and extra reading and learning can perform well on the SAT II tests.

Scoring Well on SAT Physics

A machine, not a person, will check your Physics Test. The computer sees only the filled-in ovals on your answer sheet, and doesn’t care how you came to these answers. A correct guess counts just as much as an answer you give confidently.

Guessing on SAT II Physics

Guessing on MCQ like tests is important to improve score specially if the negative marking is less than 50% (1/2). As you know that negative marking on SAT Physics is 0.25 (1/4), you can dare to guess a correct answer if two options are competing. However; never make guessing without any reasoning. Blind guessing doesn’t help, but educated guessing does. If you can eliminate even one of the five possible answer choices, you should guess.

At the Center

The student is not allowed to use any textbook, reference material, or notes during the test. Although there are math questions including trigonometry, the use of a calculator is not allowed. No formula sheet or scrap paper is given (or can be brought). All scratch work must be done directly in the test booklet.


Most of these strategies are based on common sense and it is true that many of them you already know.

Maintain You Pace

You must be calm during whole of the test and keep pace of your work. Never biuld time pressure. Try to give less time to easy question to save time for harder questions.

Study in advance.

Dont pile up work for last night. Work in regular intervals till the last night. Revise every thing and go to sleep for next morning test.

Be well rested.

Get a good night’s sleep on the two or three nights before to the test day. Dont pressurize yourself remain relaxed during preparation period.

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