
Lesson: Reading Comprehension Basic - 17t01

Think About What You Read

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Task Structurally, how does paragraph 3 fit into the scheme of the passage? When you've thought about this, click Continue.

We hope that you saw that these institutions are the kinds that meet the challenge posed in the first two paragraphs - the challenge to former socialist European countries and Asian countries to achieve democracy.

Paragraph 4 continues in the same vein, but instead of talking about what the author terms "conventional" democracy-sustaining institutions, this paragraph discusses other institutions necessary to create and maintain effective democracy. You can mention them in your Roadmap if you choose:

4 - - other necessary things - law, labor dispute practices, etc.

Your Roadmap need not be any fancier than this! Use it to reinforce, at a glance, the major points of the passage and where they can be found.

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