
Lesson: Challenging Problem Solving - 06t01

Advanced Algebra: Example 1

[Page 6 of 37]

Review the following question and then proceed to the task below.

On segment JN above, JL = 38 and KN = 44. If KL is 3 times the length of LM, and if MN is half the length of JK, what is the length of KM?

It cannot be determined from the information given.

Which of the following Problem Solving approaches can be used to solve the question above? Select Yes or No and then click Continue.

Picking Numbers:

Either Backsolving or algebra could be used to find the answer to this question. The algebraic approach, however, may be tough to see due to the structure and wording of the problem. Backsolving clues, on the other hand, are obvious — numbers as answer choices. Let's try to backsolve our way to the answer. We usually start with our middle choice, Choice (C), as our starting point when Backsolving. In this case, however, there is no middle choice, and our alternatives, Choices (C) and (B), both seem to be easy numbers to backsolve. We could select either choice as our starting point. Let's begin with Choice (B).

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