The man at the helm of affairs is one who was once a small time man of religion called mulla who somehow successfully ran a madrassa, became a man of means, drew his strength from the student power of his seminary, felt like a demi -god with divine right to enforce his writ, assumed responsibility to challenge the power of the government. He became obdurate and adament and took upon himself the responsibility of bringing the rest of the world around his own point of view on matters of religion and day to day life.To him every other person was a wrongdoer and was in need of his corrective services. He ran the institution independently. He would not listen to the advice of any higher authority and would prefer to have his own way. Thus he would keep on producing mulla type students who were good for nothing in life. There was an urgent requirement to make him function under a supervisory body so that the madrassa as an institution is transformed from the status of an orphanage to a respectable residential institution whose graduates would be welcomed throughout the country with open arms. The madrassa institution is full of unlimited potential which has to be tapped in the larger interest of the nation. From a base camp of extremism it has to be turned into a seat of model learning.
The man at the helm of affairs is one who was once a small time man of religion called mulla who somehow successfully ran a madrassa, became a man of means, drew his strength from the student power of his seminary, felt like a demi -god with divine right to enforce his writ, assumed responsibility to challenge the power of the government. He became obdurate and adament and took upon himself the responsibility of bringing the rest of the world around his own point of view on matters of religion and day to day life.To him every other person was a wrongdoer and was in need of his corrective services.
He ran the institution independently. He would not listen to the advice of any higher authority and would prefer to have his own way. Thus he would keep on producing mulla type students who were good for nothing in life. There was an urgent requirement to make him function under a supervisory body so that the madrassa as an institution is transformed from the status of an orphanage to a respectable residential institution whose graduates would be welcomed throughout the country with open arms. The madrassa institution is full of unlimited potential which has to be tapped in the larger interest of the nation. From a base camp of extremism it has to be turned into a seat of model learning.
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