From a modest start, most of the Deeni Madaris have been able to build their own platial buildings. This is so because when they ask for charity in the name of Islam money comes to them like flood waves. However, their concept of a religious seminary is a closed door affair where students are lodged in iron-tight security and denied any kind of touch with the outside world. This is inhuman. The parents and guardians have the permission to come and meet their wards but they seldom manage to come. Quite often they hail from remote places and coming and going costs lot of money which they can ill-afford. Moreover, due to their poverty they remain too busy in making their both ends meet. They have perhaps forgotten that a tender blood relation lives in a remote corner of the country that is in need of their closeness, love, affection and care may be for a few moments only. The students too have little time to think about their families in the stern environment of the seminary where the head of the Jamia and his staff keep strict watch over them like jail wardens. If ever a parent manages to come to see his son or daughter, he has to go through a few formalities and then permitted to meet them under supervision, often with a wall of glass separating them from each other. Such discipline-oriented cruelty leaves lasting impressions on the personalities of the young ones for whom love, compassion and human feelings lose all meanings in later life. The seminary transforms a human being into a monster. The poor soul acquires a personality that is quite fit for indulging in any kind of inhuman tasks he is assigned to perform for his masters.
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