During the early years, Pakistan had inherited a modest network of Deeni Madaris from the grand madrassas established in India. As the education sector, as a whole, fell to neglect, these institutions too lost state patronage and were left wholly to the generosity of the philanthropists. This state of affairs acutel3’ narrowed employment opportunities for young ulema breeding frustration and despair. However, gradually the madrassas mushroomed at an astonishing rate to reach present figure of about 17000. They offered all facilities of life to their students free of cost. This magical formula woked wonders. Firstly, the destitute people who were about 70 % of the total population converged to them massively because education in the private as well as government institutions was quite expensive which they could not afford. Very soon the smaller premeses of these seminaries were full to capacity and they had to look for spacious buildings. Secondly, their appeal for monetary help for such a noble cause was electrifying. Donations came from everywhere in ever larger amounts. Since they were quite independent and not answerable to any higher authority they developed an autocratic oultlook. They felt the urge of imposing their religious views on others.
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