Just as the building of a seminary is raised on a well planned foundation, similarly its syllabi covering the related courses of studies and other training activities, provide basis for raising its educational superstructue. The syllabi decide what kind of students it intends to produce and on what lines. With a religious certificate in their hands the students can neither find a respectable place in nation’s social set up nor get a suitable job for honourable livinig. Their institution did nothing to make them fit for practical life. They have nothing to offer to become useful members of the society. They have no skills to contribute to the economic life of the country. They have no knowledge of the subjects which would help them to get employment in private or public sector. Their religious studies had limited objectives which could attract only limited opportunities. Thus their rotation value also became extremely limited. The .inly choice open to them was to join a religious madrassa failing which the other alternative left to them was to work for some terrorist organization in utter disgust to take revenge from the society that refused to grant them acceptance.
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