The term ‘Talban’ (students) originated from madrassas run by the ulema. Their role was much appreciated at home and abroad at the time of Russian invasion of Afghanistan. Education imparted at these institutions was purely religious and jihad oriented. Such education was lopsided and did not prepare students for practical life. In view of this what they could develop was a culture of their own. It was of exrtremism, fundamentalism and terrorism. With the end of Russian occupation of Afghanistan, the barbaric type of government the Talban estabished in their country in the name of Islam brought them disrepute. That culture also creeped into Pakistan and flourished here in a big way. Times of jihad were over but the students of these madrassas continued shouting jihad. Lal Masjid episode symbolized that culture in Pakistan. It was not only anti-state but anti-Islam as well. It had to be put down with iron hand by the military, which it did with professional competence.
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