We may conclude from the above that the system of true democracy is a composite concept. It cannot be aptly defined by the age old saying that it is a government of the people. for the people by the people which becomes meaningful only if it satisfies quite a number of assumptions. For instance there cannot be democracy in a barbarian society. The first assumption therefore is that people in a democracy should be fully educated. Even a partially educated society, such that we have in Pakistan, is not acceptable. The Sunnah lays down that to get education is the duty of all Muslims i.e. every man and woman. Therefore the goal s 100% literacy and reasonable levels of education all over. The second assumption is availability of inexpensive and quick individual justice which can be ensured by an independent and highly efficient Judiciary. it should be corruption free. This keeps the individual contented and peaceful. Thirdly it is social justice which is the outcrop of a humane system of governance. It provides equal opportunities of life to all sectors of the society. It eliminates exploitation both at individual and social level. This goal can be achieved by a system that is free of inequalities of incomes and wealth; It aims to attain conditions of equitable distribution of wealth. Unless the individual is empowered economically and socially and made master of his conscience he is unable to vole for the candidate of his choice in an election. Fourth assumption in the attainment of a state of true democracy in the country is that it weeds out the possibility of using the name of Islam and democracy for ulterior motives by the vested interests. Fifthly the sanction of ljtihad is put to profitable use by a high powered authority to keep the Islamic society updated to meet the ever-changing challenges of life.
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