In a secular or semi-Islamic environment, political parties thrive on divergent political views which are often so sharply polarized that their activities become anti-state and unpatriotic They often tend to touch borderlines of treason leading to the break up of the country. In the Islamic state the role of the political parties and their leaders conform to the Quranic philosophy with sufficient room for rational interpretations. The public representatives having staffed the Assemblies and the Parliament Houses divert their energies to develop the social and economic conditions of their constituencies. Political parties do not build up personality cults but are known by the quality of service they extend to the masses in their areas of influence. This service in general is threefold. One: They establish educational institutions to ensure that every child of schoo1 going age finds a seat in a nearby school. The whole nation as such gets educated within a period of five year. Two: They look after the development of small scale and cottage industry to make use of the labour and raw material locally available and also promote the regional talent. This provides broad-based economic development to the country. The smaller units of production. act as feeders to the large scale industry. Three: They run local panchayats to settle disputes and dispense ready and inexpensive justice.
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