
Democracy vs Feudalism

Under democracy, India could enforce a steady, orderly and a rational form of government. Democracy there proved to be a formidable system that was reinforced by the strength of the combined will of the masses. No one could dare to challenge it. Feudalism, on the other hand, was a spineless system that thrived on the personal options of influential individuals who only commanded the hatred of the bunch of humanity that unfortunately had become prisoner of their over-lordship. The art of governance was unknown to them. They could not weld the nation as one united force and in times of crises, repeatedly provided cogent excuses to the armed forces to come to their rescue. Every time a General took over the reins of the government they felt mighty relieved for two reasons. One, the Generals, by dint of their training, had nothing to do with the culture of democracy. They were feudals in uniform. Two, the feudals knew that despite Army’s solemn promises to put democracy on rails before it goes back to the barracks, they shall once again occupy the seat of power under a false facade of democratic set up. And that is what has repeatedly happened in the past. Every time a General reluctantly held elections, as per his halfhearted promise, it only engineered to reinstate the customary feudals in power. That is the reason why every successive government proved to be worst than the previous one. The overall environment of the country and the general state of the people went from bad to worse. Corrosion of the writ of the state in some parts of the country, galloping inflation, poverty degenerating into destitution, unchecked dacoities and robberies, hunger related suicides, political turmoil, social unrest became the order of the day. Plight of the people touched the abysmal depths. What to talk  ‘: education and health facilities, the government failed to provide an honourable loaf of bread to :e poor citizen. As such it lost the right to govern but it clung on to power shamefacedly.

Inside the Topic

Democracy vs Feudalism, Appearance of a man of destiny, The curse of NRO, National Reconciliation , A comparison worth , What is Democratic , Role of Education, Holding of elections, Ownership limits of wealth , and Profit, Role of Political , Contribution of Local Bodies, Justice the heart and soul , Crime and Punishment , Analogy, True Democracy, and others.