the text of the Ordinance states that “Federal and Provincial government are now entitled to take back legal prosecution cases against any one before a trial or apex court has given its verdict. This is also applicable to a absconding accused who is falsely involved for political victimization in any case initiated between first January 1986 and 12th October 1999.” It is to be noticed that this particular clause was shrewdly added to keep PML-N and Sharif brothers out of political reconciliation because all cases against them were instituted after 12th Oct 1999. This made the clause discriminatory. it blatantly intended reconciliation between the person of the President and leaders of the People’s Party, especially Benazir Bhutto and that of the high ups of MQM. Specifically’ it was a deal which made it possible for Benazir to return home form her self- exile to become Prime Minster of Pakistan and Pervez Musharraf who could, in the bargain, continue as President for another term. The implication that Musharraf didn’t realize was that if Benazir can conies home thus, Sharif brothers could not be kept in exile in Saudi Arabia. King Fahd’ s personal pressure was on their side. Musharraf had no justification to say ‘no’ to him. The other factor was the work of destiny. Benazir got assassinated on her return. It was an accident of history that put all political initiatives in the hands of the People Party which installed it s Chairman Asif Mi Zardari as the head of the state in view of the suffocating anti Musharraf climate prevailing in the country now it was his turn to go abroad and live in exile. Musharraf, the master military strategist, so he claimed to be, was decisively knocked out on the chessboard of politics. The Ordinance aimed at whitewashing the black deeds of certain politicians they had committed during the above stated period. It granted amnesty to all those involved in misuse of power. It favoured the high and mighty who had looted the country during that inglorious period. Their debts amounting to billions were written off with one stroke of pen. MQM, Musharraf’s ally, charged with serious criminal offences stood to get a clean chit. The relief was offered on the supposed plea that all such cases were based on political vendetta and victimization. The message it gave to the people at home and abroad was that it paid to be a corrupt politician in Pakistan and there was no accountability of those who wielded power and influence. The Ordinance was a retrogressive step that took the humanity back to the dark ages. By announcing blanket amnesty for public officials accused of corruption, the country’s taxpayer had been made to lose hope that the culprits could ever be brought to justice. The corrupt and the criminals were emboldened as a result. The Ordinance was a most derogatory piece of legislation in country’s history. It made the mockery’ of the basic concept of the rule of law.
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