
GMAT Preparation Online or in Classroom

For prospective Business School students, the GMAT is a crucial test, determining if you'll make the cut at your dream school or have to settle for a safety school. GMAT concept learning is time consuming. Many of prospective test taker take these lessons to have high score in the GMAT. Each lesson has been divided into successive steps for effective learning. You must take step by step lessons and practice questions.

Paid Preparation for GMAT

College of Admission Tests has been operating in the field of GMAT preparation since 1990 and it offers two types of GMAT prep plans.
  • Online Preparation

    You can prepare the GMAT online. This plan has its differentiated advantages like time sparing and flexibility, cost effectiveness, and freedom of study time. Lectures are delivered through videos. Each question is fully explained. Online Test Preparation
  • Classroom Courses

    College of Admission Tests offers classroom courses for all major tests.
    College of Admission Tests
    OPP MEPCO Offices, Khanewal Road, Multan
    Phone: 061 4550698 , 061 8143333

Quantitative Section

The quantitative part is consisted of two sections. 1- Problem Solving - word problems with five answers choices 2- Data Sufficiency - In this type of questions you are to answer whether the given problem be solved by two given statements.

Verbal Section

Verbal part of GMAT is consisted of three sections 1- Sentence Correction - a given sentence contains some error and you are to substitute the error containing part from given options. 2- Reading Comprehension - You are given with a passage followed by some questions based on this passage. Each question is followed by five answer choices. 3- Critical Reasoning section - You are choose logic and reasoning based answers choices from given statements in the questions.

Analytical Writing Assessment

In this part, your are to write two types of passages 1- Argumentative 2- Issue Analysis. You writing based on what is asked in the question prompt.

Video Lessons and 10 Fully Explained Grand Tests

Large number of solved practice MCQ with explanations. Video Lessons and 10 Fully explained Grand/Full Tests.

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