The Holy Quran makes a clear distinction between ‘wealth’ and ‘property, and prescribes ownership limits on each. Property is something that may or may not produce wealth such as land, mines, rivers, oceans etc. Its ownership is confined to the frontiers of the state only. So far as wealth is concerned, it may be created with or without the help of property. It can be owned anywhere in the world. Moreover, ownership is not absolute in nature. It is in the nature of trusteeship or guardianship only. In a democratic Islamic state, the mainspring of welfare, individual and social, is the humane economic philosophy of Al-Adl, Wal-lhsan. The implementation of this commandment requires a heavy redistribution of wealth and property to bridge up the gap between the rich and the poor with in rational limits. The ownership limits on wealth and property are determined by the Quranic commandment that enjoins how incomes are to be earned and how they are to be spent. Individual’s measure of ownership is also determined by social compulsions which take precedence over his own needs. Incomes of the masses and consequently that of the state increase as a result of these two policy measures. Broad-based demand increases manifold and to satisfy it broad based supply also expands. This makes the economy buoyant and forward looking. State’s income and expenditure is also subject to Quranic commandment of income and expenditure. If redistribution of wealth and land has the Quranic sanction how it shall be accomplished in practice? Will the feudal lord and the industrialist voluntarily part with their excess property and wealth? The Holy Quran acknowledges that man by nature is greedy which means no voluntary surrender of wealth and property will ever take place. It shall have to be accomplished either by launching a movement in its favour or through mandatory imposition by an Act of the Parliament otherwise it shall get imposed through some kind of a revolution. It shall be so because the present unstable state of large scale poverty cannot persist for long. A nation-wide movement is the real answer to the problem. Pakistan Movement is a reference in point. Masses side-tracked the powerful influence of the landlords and voted in favour of Pakistan that promised them enforcement of Democratic Islamic system in the new state. A movement launched with the same spirit will elect only the required kind of public representatives and reject the men of power and influence.
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