
Lesson: Geometry - 28

Areas Of Rectangles And Squares

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The area of a square can be found by multiplying the base times itself. This is similar to the area of a rectangle but the base is the same length as the height. If a square has a base of length 6 inches its area is 6 × 6 = 36 square inches.

When we're talking about rectangles, we often call the base the length, and we call the height the width. Since the base and height for squares are equal, we often simply refer to them as the sides of the square.

The area of rectangle WXYZ is its length times its width, so in the example above the area is 12 &time; 20 = 240.

The area of square ABCD is the length of its side squared, so in the example above the area is 7 &time; 7 = 49.


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