
Blood Relations and Family Tree MCQ Set 1

Showing question 1 to 5 of total 35 MCQs

MCQ Set: 1

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Question No: 1

Read the following information carefully and answer the question below.
1. J + K means J is the son of K
2. J - K means J is the wife of K
3. J x K means J is the brother of K
4. J ÷ K means J is the mother of K
5. J = K means J is the sister of K
What does A x B ÷ C mean?

  1. A is the brother of C
  2. A is the father of C
  3. A is the uncle of C
  4. A is the nephew of C

Question No: 2

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions below.
1. J + K means J is the son of K
2. J - K means J is the wife of K
3. J x K means J is the brother of K
4. J ÷ K means J is the mother of K
5. J = K means J is the sister of K
What does A + B – C mean?

  1. C is the father of A
  2. C is the uncle of A
  3. C is the son of A
  4. C is the brother of A

Question No: 3

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions below.
1. P x Q means P is the father of Q
2. P - Q means P is the sister of Q
3. P + Q means P is the mother of Q
4. P ÷ Q means P is the brother of Q
Which of the following represents ‘R is niece of M’?

  1. M – J + R – N
  2. R – M x T - W
  3. M – K x T - R
  4. None of these

Question No: 4

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions below.
1. P x Q means P is the father of Q
2. P - Q means P is the sister of Q
3. P + Q means P is the mother of Q
4. P ÷ Q means P is the brother of Q
Which of the following represents ‘J is the son of F’?

  1. J ÷ R – T x F
  2. J + R – T x F
  3. J ÷ M – N x F
  4. None of these

Question No: 5

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions below.
1. P x Q means P is the father of Q
2. P - Q means P is the sister of Q
3. P + Q means P is the mother of Q
4. P ÷ Q means P is the brother of Q
In the expression, B + D x M ÷ N, how is M related to B?

  1. son
  2. grandson
  3. granddaughter
  4. daughter
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