
Blood Relations and Family Tree MCQ Set 2

Showing question 6 to 10 of total 35 MCQs

MCQ Set: 2

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 6

Read the following information carefully and answer the question below.
1. M $ N means M is the mother of N
2. M # N means M is the father of N
3. M @ N means M is the husband of N
4. M % N means M is the daughter of N
If F @ D % K # H, then how is F related to H?

  1. Brother-in-law
  2. Sister
  3. Sister-in-law
  4. None of these

Question No: 7

Read the following information carefully and answer the question below.
1. M $ N means M is the mother of N
2. M # N means M is the father of N
3. M @ N means M is the husband of N
4. M % N means M is the daughter of N
If G $ M @ K, how is K related to G?

  1. Mother
  2. Mother-in-law
  3. Daughter
  4. Daughter-in-law

Question No: 8

Read the following information carefully and answer the question below.
1. M $ N means M is the mother of N
2. M # N means M is the father of N
3. M @ N means M is the husband of N
4. M % N means M is the daughter of N
Which of the following expressions indicate ‘H is the brother of N’?

  1. H # R $ D $ N
  2. N % F @ D $ H
  3. . N % F @ D % H
  4. N % F @ D $ H # R

Question No: 9

Read the following information carefully and answer the question below.
1. M $ N means M is the mother of N
2. M # N means M is the father of N
3. M @ N means M is the husband of N
4. M % N means M is the daughter of N Which of the following expressions indicate ‘R is the sister of H’?

  1. . H $ D @ F # R
  2. R % D @ F $ H
  3. R $ D @ F # H
  4. None of these

Question No: 10

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions below.
1. M $ N means M is the mother of N
2. M # N means M is the father of N
3. M @ N means M is the husband of N
4. M % N means M is the daughter of N
P @ Q $ M # T indicates what relationship of P with T?

  1. Paternal grandmother
  2. Paternal grandfather
  3. Maternal grandfather
  4. Maternal grandmother
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