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A man said to a lady, “Your mother’s husband’s sister is my aunt”. How is the lady related to the man?
Lady’s mother’s husband – Father of lady Lady’s father’s sister – Aunt of man and lady Hence, lady is man’s sister.
Pointing towards a girl, Amit said, “She is the daughter of only son of my grandfather”. How is the Amit related to the girl?
Grandfather’s only son – Amit’s father Amit’s father’s daughter – Amit’s sister
Pointing to a man, Rohan said, “His only brother is the father of my daughter’s father.” How is the Rohan related to the man?
Father of Rohan’s daughter’s father - Rohan’s father. So, the man’s brother is Rohan’s father or the man is the brother of Rohan’s father i.e. Rohan’s uncle. Rohan is the nephew of the man.
Pointing to a photograph the man said, “The lady in the photograph is my nephew’s maternal grandmother.” How is the lady in the photograph related to the man’s sister who has no other sister?
Man’s sister ? Sister’s son = Nephew Nephew’s mother = Man’s sister Mother of man’s sister = Maternal Grandmother So, the lady in the photograph is mother of man’s sister.
Pointing to a boy, a man said to a woman, “His mother is the only daughter of your father.” How was the boy related to the woman?
Only daughter of woman’s father = Woman herself Mother of boy = Woman herself So, the woman is mother of the boy.
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