
Lesson: Data Sufficiency Basic - 01

Data Sufficiency Basics

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In this module we will review

  • The CAT Method for Data Sufficiency
  • Value Questions
  • Yes/No Questions
  • Strategic Guessing for Data Sufficiency

Let’s begin by considering how Data Sufficiency differs from Problem Solving, the other math question type. Problem Solving questions are in a format that you probably dealt with in school; multiple choice, and each answer choice represents a different possible answer to the question.

Data Sufficiency questions are also multiple choice, but their format is quite different from Problem Solving, and just as importantly, is far less familiar.

Data Sufficiency is unique to the Exam; this question type does not appear on any other standardized test and you’ve probably never seen it before. It is also a fixed format math question type, that is, the answer choices are always the same! This format provides us with several methods and strategies that are specific to Data Sufficiency and that turn the format to our advantage.

Because you’ll see about 12 Data Sufficiency questions, almost a third of your Exam math, on test day, it’s important that you manage them well! We’ll show you how to tackle these questions and win. Let’s get started.

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