
Data Sufficiency Intermediate

The Data Sufficiency (DS) section makes up part of your quantitative score for the test. Any concept that is tested on the Problem Solving (PS) section can be tested on the DS section, and vice versa; certain concepts do tend to come up more on the DS section, and studying these concepts can help boost your score. There are also certain structural elements to the DS section with which you will need to become familiar. DS Intermediate level module introduces you to these concepts and techniques. Like any standardized test, the aptitude tests evaluate not only your conceptual mastery but also your ability to take tests.

DS Questions Look Difficult

When you're starting out, Data Sufficiency can seem very difficult, but keep on going the learning and practicing. By the time you take the test, you can handle DS questions faster than Problem Solving items because DS questions do not involve calculations, and the format is more comprehensive and simple.

How much Math

The data sufficiency questions involve mathematics that nearly every high school student already knows. In addition to basic arithmetic, you can expect questions testing your knowledge of averages, fractions, decimals, algebra, factoring, and basic principles of geometry such as triangles, circles, and how to determine the areas and volumes of simple geometric shapes.

DS and Algebra

Not more than basic level of algebra is involved in solving DS questions. You need not to learn polynomials of higher orders. Actually you need to know only to solve linear equations with one to three variables and simple quadratic equations.

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