
Pakistan Textile Industry a Scenario after Globalization

Textile sector has a very large share in the pie of Pakistan’s export and GDP. This sector earns 54% of total foreign exchange and about 40% of the work force is employed in this sector.

In the year 2008-09, the growth in quantity exported in textile sector was far not more impressive. Pakistan’s textile sector due to its precarious condition and performance is continuously in danger of losing its share in the world export and the GDP of Pakistan.

Presently, Pakistan has the 10th position among exports of textile and its position is continuously declining in terms of value. All analysts and world observers are cynical about the performance of Pakistan’s textile sector and shed their doubts about its ability to compete in the post quota period.

The fortune of Pakistan’s textile sector in the global economy depends on its ability to adjust itself with up-to-the minute requirements and new demands of the world. It is well established fact that textile sector of Pakistan has potential to compete in the world market but it is also correct that this does not look possible in the present circumstances.