
Lesson: Intermediate Problem Solving - 11t01

The "Which Of The Following Question", continued

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  • If you're short on time and must guess on a "Which of the following" question, choose Choice (D) or Choice (E).
  • When evaluating the answer choices on a "Which of the following" question, start with Choice (E) (the bottom choice on your screen) and work up.

Now let's work through our example question.
Use Picking Numbers to solve the following problem. Select the correct answer and then click Continue.

If x is an even integer and y is an odd integer, which of the following is an odd integer?

The question specifies that x is even and that y is odd. We can choose 2 to represent x and 3 to represent y. Since we don't need to apply these numbers to the question stem, we can go straight to Step 3 and test the answer choices.

Evaluating the answer choices, beginning with Choice (E), we find:

Choice (E): . Four is an even number. Eliminate.
Choice (D): . 19 is an odd number. This is the correct answer.

At this point we could choose Choice (D) and move on with confidence. That's because odd/even rules apply to any numbers you pick, so that you cannot have more than one answer choice turn out correct. Note: This is different from when you pick numbers on Variables in the Answer Choices questions. You may recall from the Basics module that when picking numbers for those questions you must always test all of the choices. In that case beginning at Choice (E) wouldn't help you, because you have to test them all anyway, but it wouldn't hurt you either, and it's important to develop the habit!

However, let's run through the remaining choices to see how odd/even rules apply in each:

Choice (C):
Choice (B):
Choice (A):

Choices (A), (B), and (C) all resulted in even numbers and could have been eliminated.

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