Ratio problems also may allow you to establish a logical range for the correct answer and then eliminate choices outside of that range. Let's see how we would apply our estimation strategy to a ratio question.
Three donors made contributions to a certain charity in a ratio of 1 to 2 to 5. If they donated a combined total of $154, how many dollars did the donor who contributed the greatest amount give to the charity?
If the contributors gave equal amounts to the charity (a ratio of 1 to 1 to 1), each contributor donated approximately dollars.
If each contributor had donated an equal amount of money, then each would have given a third of the total dollar amount of $152, or about $50. But remember the ratio we are given in the question stem — 1 to 2 to 5. This ratio indicates that the most generous contributor gave far more than a third of the total pool of money.
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