It is very common that words are normally being used incorrectly in our day to day usage. You cannot be sure if a word you used in your writing is correct?
Word Choice and Language
In our daily life, we rely heavily on language to communicate. Words are the building blocks of language, and as such, it is imperative that we use them correctly. Otherwise, expressions and messages we wish to convey to others won't be understood.
There are many words that are commonly used incorrectly in speech and writing. In a speech, it is easier to flow over these errors in word usage. This is because when you are talking with another person, you use other aspects of communication, like context, facial expressions, and body language. But in writing, all you have are the words. When words are used wrongly, communication through writing is greatly affected. There are many mistakes in word use, but for this lesson, we will look at few common mistakes and how to avoid making those mistakes.
Wrong Situation
The first common wrong use of words happens when words are used in the wrong situations. Every word has a certain function or definition of communication. It is important that words are used according to those functions. For example, we use transitional words in writing to show relationship and connect ideas. Many people easily confuse transitional words and use them incorrectly. Look at this sentence: 'Mujahid wanted to go to the cricket game; furthermore, he had to work that night.' The transitional word 'furthermore' is being used in the wrong situation. Furthermore has a function of adding on similar information or ideas. The ideas in this sentence are contrasting, thus you need a contrasting transition like 'however.' 'Mujahid wanted to go to the Cricket game; however, he had to work that night.'
Another wrong situation mistake includes the words 'set' and 'sit.' Some people use these words interchangeably, but that is a major mistake. Sit can only be used when referring to being seated. On the other hand, set should be used when placing an object somewhere. For example, this sentence: 'He sat the books on the desk,' should be changed to, 'He set the books on the desk.'
A final example of words used in the wrong situation involve 'who' versus 'which'. 'Who' always refers to people. As in this sentence: 'The girls, who love to swim, spent their whole summer at the pool.' In this case, the girls are people, and so 'who' needs to be used to add the information about loving to swim. Use 'which' when referring to inanimate objects. As in this sentence: 'The desk, which belongs to Tahir, was broken during the move.' 'Which' is referring to the desk, an inanimate object, and so is being used correctly. Always pay attention to what you are referring to when using who and which, so you do not use either word in the wrong situation.
Adjective vs. Adverb
A second common mistake with word use has to do with adjectives and adverbs. Keep in mind, an adjective is a word that describes a noun, whereas an adverb is a word that describes a verb, an adjective or another adverb. The most common way to identify adverbs is to look for the suffix '-ly'. Almost all adverbs end with this suffix (except like fast and late). If you are using a word to describe a verb, adjective or another adverb, you need to use the adverb form.
Look at this sentence as an example: 'Some people use words wrong.' Do you notice anything incorrect? Some of you may be thinking this sentence is correct. However, you need to look at the form of the word 'wrong.' 'Wrong' is an adjective; it describes nouns. You can have the wrong answer, or the wrong outfit. What is 'wrong' describing in this example? In this sentence, 'wrong' is describing the verb 'use,' thus the adverb form needs to be used. The sentence should read: 'Some people use words wrongly.'
Pay close attention when using adjectives and adverbs to what those words are describing. 'Quick' is an adjective and needs to describe a noun, while 'quickly' is the adverb form for describing verbs. 'Real' is an adjective that needs to describe a noun, while 'really' is the adverb that needs to describe an adjective, verb or another adverb. In your writing, be sure to look for adjectives and adverbs being used mistakenly.