Quick Tips and Tricks
1) Virnaculum (Bar ‘¬¬–’):
If a given expression contains a virnaculum (bar), then first simplify the given expression under virnaculum and then follow the rule of‘BODMAS’.
Step1: When simplifying the given expressions, first brackets are to be removed in the order: ‘––’, ‘( )’, ‘{ }’, ‘[ ]’
Step2: The operations are to be performed strictly in the order: Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction
2) ‘BODMAS Rule’:
This rule is used to solve and find out the value of given expressions by performing the operations in a correct sequence.
BODMAS is the shortcut used to remember the procedure of simplification.
- B: Bracket
- O: Order (i.e. power, square root etc.)
- D: Division (Left to right)
- M: Multiplication (Left to right)
- A: Addition (Left to right)
- S: Subtraction (Left to right)
Step1: When simplifying the given expressions, first brackets are to be removed in the order: ‘––’, ‘( )’, ‘{ }’, ‘[ ]’
Step2: The operations are to be performed strictly in the order: Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction
3) Modulus of a real number
The modulus of a real number or the absolute value is defined as follows: Modulus of x is written as |x|