
Sentence Correction MCQ Set 8

Showing question 36 to 40 of total 113 MCQs

MCQ Set: 8

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 36

After arduous months of fighting, the sight of the white flag being raised generated as much relief on the victor's side than it did on the vanquished.

  1. as much relief on the victor's side than it did on the vanquished.
  2. as much relief among the victors as among the vanquished.
  3. as much relief on the victor's side as it did on the vanquished's.
  4. relief both on the victor's side as well as on the vanquished's.
  5. relief both for the victor and the vanquished side.

Question No: 37

As tensions rose in the days leading up to the President’s re-election bid, one hostile commentator who decried the President’s controversial war policies exclaimed: "If I was the President, I would be ashamed of myself and also resign immediately." Ironically, this actually emboldened the President’s allies.

  1. If I was the President, I would be ashamed of myself and also resign immediately
  2. If I were the President, I would be ashamed of myself and resign immediately
  3. If I was the President, I would be ashamed of myself and resign immediately
  4. If I were the President, I would be ashamed of myself and also would resign immediately
  5. If I was the President, I would be ashamed of myself and would resign immediately

Question No: 38

Work that is not finished is not work at all, it is merely a botch, a failure.

  1. all, it is merely a botch, a failure.
  2. all, it is a botch merely, and a failure.
  3. all; it is merely a botch, a failure.
  4. all; the work merely is a botch and a failure.
  5. all; the work being merely a botch, a failure.

Question No: 39

In 1997, a 9-0 ruling from the Supreme Court in Reno v. American Civil Liberties Unionsurprised some observers as it struck down provisions of the Communications Decency Act; the court ruled that the law violated the freedom of speech provisions of the First Amendment.

  1. Act; the court ruled that
  2. Act, which ruled that
  3. Act, with a ruling that
  4. Act; they ruled that
  5. Act and they ruled

Question No: 40

The prosecutor’s argument, which hinged on a little known provision in a 1972 law, differed considerably from the plaintiff, who contended that a landmark 1999 Supreme Court decision supported his argument.

  1. the plaintiff
  2. that of the plaintiff
  3. those from the plaintiff
  4. that espoused by the plaintiff
  5. that from the plaintiff
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